Snowflake (version 1)

The Snowflake v2 development work is in progress. For now, please use v1 for all Snowflake requests.

Create Scope3 API Integration

create or replace api integration scope3_api
    api_provider = google_api_gateway
    google_audience = ''
    api_allowed_prefixes = ('')
    enabled = true;

Create Scope3 External Function

Function Call

create or replace external function scope3_v1(
  date date,
  inventory_id string,
  device string,
  country string,
  region string,
  impressions int,
  creative_format string,
  creative_bytes int,
  creative_width int,
  creative_height int,
  creative_duration int,
  inventory_type string)
    returns OBJECT
    api_integration = scope3_api
    headers = (
    as '';
dateDate in UTC2022-05-04
inventory_idFully qualified domain name or app ID (same as inventoryId in campaign API)
countryISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code OR null When null default global emission value will be used.US
regionISO 3166-2 region code OR null When null default country value will be used.NY
impressionsSum of impressions for these dimensions10000
creative_bytesCreative size in Bytes OR null3024
creative_widthWidth of creative OR null300
creative_heightHeight of creative OR null250
creative_durationLength of creative in seconds OR null30
inventory_typeapp or sitesite


The function returns the following object. Each field may be missing/null depending if the data is available.

If totalEmissions and error is null then scope3 does noes not have information for this impression.

	"total_emissions": "<float|null>",
	"base_emissions": "<float|null>",
	"supply_path_emissions": "<float|null>",
	"creative_emissions": "<float|null>",
	"domain_coverage": "<modeled|missing|null>",
	"error": "<string|null>",
totalEmissionsTotal Impressions in gCO2e300.99
baseEmissionsBase Emissions in gCO2e100.33
supplyPathEmissionsSupply Path Emissions in gCO2e100.33
creativeEmissionsCreative Emissions in gCO2e100.33
domainCoverageModeled domains are in the dataset with reasonable confidence of accuracy. Missing domains have not been modeled yet and will automatically be queued for analysis.modeled
errornull / missing if no error. If error this will contain a string error messagecreative_width without creative_height supplied
Base EmissionsThe Base Emissions figure is the total emissions of an impression, excluding the AdTech portion. This includes content creation and end-user device emissions. Content creation is the publisher's scope 1,2,3 emissions proportioned and attributed on an ad slot basis -- we are exploring a new model for how we attribute this in the next version. End-User device emissions cover the power consumption (CPU, Networking, etc.) for rendering the publisher's content considering the user's location and power grid mix.
Creative EmissionsThe creative emissions figure is the total emissions associated with the creative delivery. This includes the networking and CPU costs of delivering and rendering the creative.
Supply Path EmissionsThe supply path emissions figure is the total emissions associated with the supply path from the inventory ad slot and the complete graph of all advertising parties involved. This includes the Scope 1,2,3 emissions data of each party involved broken down into a per impression number.

Example Usage

Select a single Example Row

SELECT scope3_v1(DATE('2022-05-04'), '', 'desktop', 'US', 'NY', 1000, 'banner', null, 300, 250, null, 'site');

Using in a JOIN

	scope3_v1(, d.app_url, 'desktop',, null, d.imps, 'banner', null, 300, 250, null, 'site'):total_emissions
	delivery_data d;

How to extract single fields

	(SELECT scope3_v1(DATE('2022-05-04'), '', 'desktop', 'US', 'NY', 1000, 'banner', null, 300, 250, null) res)

Dealing with errors

If your use case requires special handling for errors, you can use IFF and IS_NULL_VALUE.

	parse_json('{error: NULL, totalEmissions: 123}') as V,
	IFF(IS_NULL_VALUE(v:non_existing_key) is null, 'Key does not exist', 'Key exists'),
	IFF(IS_NULL_VALUE(v:error) is null, 'Key does not exist', 'Key exists'),
	IFF(IS_NULL_VALUE(v:totalEmissions) is null, 'Key does not exist', 'Key exists')