Getting Started


Scope3 has built a robust and detailed model of the environmental impact of the media and advertising industry. This model is based on an open source methodology and uses public and private data sources to produce an estimation of the carbon footprint of each ad impression across digital channels.

WARNING: On September 30th, API version 1.3 will be deprecated.
A new version—Version 2.0 —is now available. For instructions on migrating, please view our migaration guides.

Support and System Status

Usage and Access

Most of the APIs provided by Scope3 are restricted to customers with a valid API key. Some of the APIs are public and can be used without an API key. For information about using API keys to access the API, please see Access & Authorization.

The Scope3 API does not have explicit throttling but we strongly recommend batching rows into a single request to minimize bandwidth. We have found that very large requests - over 100,000 rows - often cause issues and would suggest splitting these into multiple calls (4,000 - 8,000 rows/request). We are exploring various integrations - see Snowflake Integration - to make this process easier and more reliable.


Scope3 provides a number of APIs for partners to measure emissions and improve the emissions model.

Stateless Measurement APIs

These APIs return measurement immediately and are stateless, meaning that the data is not added to the Scope3 platform for later use.

  • The Campaign API describes the emissions from "Ad selection" and "Media Distribution," with the option to include "Creative Distribution."
  • The Creative API is a standalone endpoint for the emissions from "Creative Distribution."
  • The Planning API provides channel- and vendor-level estimations of emissions from upcoming media executions

Data Integration APIs

These APIs upload data into the Scope3 platform for further processing and analysis.

  • The GMP Upload API allows sellers to share GMP exposure data for analysis and optional compensation

Data Dictionary

To learn more about specific fields used in the Scope3 API, see the Data Dictionary.


Scope3 currently supports multiple digital channels. For the channels in progress, their status is listed here.

ChannelDetailsStatusTarget Release
Display - WebDisplay ads, including outstream video, on a websiteProductionAvailable today
Display - AppDisplay ads on a mobile phone. Excludes streaming and social appsProductionAvailable today
Streaming VideoAd-supported streaming video or long-form video including CTV, YouTube, and moreProductionAvailable today
SocialSocial media across platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and TwitterOpen BetaQ4 2023
Digital AudioIncludes digital radio and podcastsOpen BetaQ4 2023
DOOHAll digital out-of-home including transient and fixed screensOpen BetaQ1 2024