
Models the carbon footprint of the media delivered in a campaign, PMP, or other media buy


For detail on the underlying calculations, please see (Advertising Lifecycle). Scope3 adds two proprietary components to the open source data:

  1. Daily grid mix - we use various data sources to report on marginal emissions intensity of the electricity grid for most major countries and regions. For more information on our coverage and approach, see (emissions intensity methodology). We also forecast grid mix for 12 months in the future so that planners can see the likely energy use from future campaigns (coming in Q1 2023).
  2. Vendor models - we work with individual ad tech vendors to model their carbon footprint, including their corporate and technology operations, on a per-request basis. For vendors that have not contributed data, we use public data (sustainability reports, financial reports, etc) and proprietary information to predict their per-request footprint. We also work with ad tech vendors to understand how their technology works in different situations - for instance, how aggressively an SSP throttles traffic to downstream vendors. These detailed models provide the most comprehensive understanding of the full impact of delivering a campaign.

API Status

The Campaign API is currently in production. You will need an API key to use it - please contact Scope3 if you are interested in a license!

Input parameters

The parameter list below represents our recommended set of parameters. Please see API Reference for a full list of supported parameters.

channeldisplay-web, display-app, streaming-video,social, doohnoSee "Channels" below for more details. social is available in closed beta. If channel is not provided, we will use our best guess based on the inventoryId
inventoryIddomain or appnoDomains will truncate to the shortest match in our database - so will match Users with access to the Planning API may omit this field and the seller or channel averages will be used.
datedate in YYYY-MM-DD formatyesElectricity supply mix (renewables especially) change on a daily basis, as does energy demand. Dates are UTC and must be prior to today (forecasts will be supported in the future).
countrystringyesThe two-letter country code
regionstringnoThe two- or three-letter region code - only supported for Canada, US, and Australia
networkfixed, mobilenoIf not provided, we will choose a default based on channel
deviceTypephone, pc, tablet, tvnoIf not provided, we will choose a default based on channel
sellerstringnoThe immediate upstream seller of the impression - for instance, the ad exchange. We have aliases for many variants of common seller names, for instance "" or "Magnite" will both work.
buyingMethoddirect, direct-takeover, programmatic-open, programmatic-pmp, programmatic-guaranteednoThe method used to buy the impressions
dealIdstringnoSeller deal identifier

Optional input parameters


The campaign API can also return creative emissions in the same row. All of the parameters from the Creative API are supported in the Campaign API, and if provided, will output the creativeEmissions field.


To measure emissions of DOOH properties this API takes the following DOOH specific inputs venueCategory, plays, playDuration and mediaOwner. For details on each input see the API reference page.

Output parameters

totalCreativeDistributionEmissionsgCO2eifcreative.format is providedCreative delivery including data transfer and all vendors involved.
totalMediaDistributionEmissionsgCO2eAllMedia delivery including CMS; CDNs and hosting services; publishing overhead including employee and office expenses; data transfer to the consumer device
totalAdSelectionEmissionsgCO2eAllAd tech including servers and cloud computing; analytics; network traffic; storage; data providers; and vendor overhead
totalEmissionsgCO2eAllTotal footprint of the campaign excluding consumer device and excluding compensation (sum of above)
totalCompensatedEmissionsgCO2eAllThe emissions for which the seller has contributed to a carbon removal fund. Note that these are not netted out of the total - if you want to show net emissions, subtract this from totalEmissions
totalCreativeConsumerDeviceEmissionsgCO2eifcreative.format is providedConsumer device emissions (usage and embodied) during the delivery of creative
totalConsumerDeviceEmissionsgCO2eAllConsumer device emissions (usage and embodied) during the consumption of monetized content

GMP Seller Output Parameters

climateRiskTrue/FalseGMP sellers onlyAny properties in the "climate risk" category
climateRiskPercentagefloat (0-1)GMP sellers onlyThe percentage of inventory, weighted by impressions, that met climate risk criteria

Programmatic Insights Output Parameters

supplyGraphJSON object (see below)Programmatic Insights customers onlySee supplyGraph


ChannelDetailsDefault device Type
display-webDisplay ads, including outstream video, on a websitepc
display-appDisplay ads on a mobile phone. Excludes streaming and social appsmobile
socialSocial platforms across platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twittermobile
streaming-videoStreaming video including CTV, YouTube, and
doohAll digital out-of-home including transient and fixed screensn/a
digital-audioIncludes digital radio and podcastsmobile

Supply Graph Example

   "supplyGraph": {
      "logical": {
      "technical": {