
Models the carbon footprint of a creative during the consumer view phase

The Creative API supports multiple digital channels and formats so some specific examples are provided below for common use cases.


For detail on the underlying calculations, please see Creative Methodology (github). Scope3 adds two proprietary components to the open source data:

  1. Daily grid mix - we use various data sources to report on marginal emissions intensity of the electricity grid for most major countries and regions. For more information on our coverage and approach, see (emissions intensity methodology). We also forecast grid mix for 12 months in the future so that planners can see the likely energy use from future campaigns (coming in Q1 2023).
  2. Not included in version 1.1) Vendor models - we work with individual ad tech vendors to model their carbon footprint, including their corporate and technology operations, on a per-request basis. For vendors that have not contributed data, we use public data (sustainability reports, financial reports, etc) and proprietary information to predict their per-request footprint. We also work with ad tech vendors to understand how their technology works in different situations - for instance, for a creative ad server, whether they download content progressively or up-front and whether this download starts if the ad renders below the fold. These detailed models provide the most comprehensive understanding of the full impact of delivering a creative.

API Status

The creative API is currently in public beta. You do not need an API key to use it during the public beta. Please share feedback with us here or in github!

Input parameters

Formatbanner, text, videoyesBanner uses payload size and conventional model. Video uses duration and power model. Text returns 0
Payload SizeintegernoThe number of bytes transferred to fully display the creative. Only used for banner format.
Duration (Seconds)floatnoTime the creative plays. Only used for video format.
DatedateyesTo pull up accurate grid mix
CountrystringyesThe two-letter country code
RegionstringnoThe two- or three-letter region code - only supported for US, Canada, and Australia
Networkfixed, mobile, unknownnoDefault to unknown
Device Typemobile, pc, tablet, tv, ooh, unknownnoDefault to unknown

Output parameters

We provide the component emissions as some companies exclude the consumer device from their boundaries.

creativeConsumerDeviceEmissionsfloatBoth use and embodied
totalEmissionsfloatSum of above

Use Case: Banner Ad

Payload Size24882The size of the creative in bytes
Network Typemobile
Device Typemobile

This will output:

Device Energy0.18 kWh1 x 831211 x 0.77 / 3600 / 1000
Device Embodied Emissions4322.3 gCO2e1 x 831211 x 0.0052
Data Transfer Energy2.70 kWh0.14 kWh/GB x 24882 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 GB x 831211

At 390 g/kWh, this creative execution would generate 5.4 kg of CO2e.

Use Case: Video ad on CTV

Network Typefixed
Device Typetv

This will output:

Device Energy605.4 kWh30 x 831211 x 87.4 / 3600 / 1000
Device Embodied Emissions523662.9 gCO2e30 x 831211 x 0.021
Data Transfer Energy69.3 kWh10W x 30s x 831211 / 3600 s/h / 1000 Wh/hWh

At 390 g/kWh, this creative execution would generate 787 kg of CO2e.