Google Big Query

Connecting the Scope3 measurement to your Big Query datasets

Enabling Scope3 measurement directly from your Big Query data via a remote function that uses a cloud function to bridge between Big Query and the Scope3 calculate/daily API.


Follow the Google Cloud instructions for creating a remote connection here. Follow the create connection instructions note that you need to copy the service account ID for the setup access step.

Next you will need to enable and create a cloud function. Instructions are here.When you are ready to deploy your cloud function paste the following as the function 'bq_scope3_measured.

Cloud Function

const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');

const scope3_api_fetch = async (body,udc,sessionUser) => {
  const data = {}
  data.method = "POST"
  data.body = JSON.stringify(body)
  data.headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "AccessClientId": udc.AccessClientId,
    "AccessClientSecret": udc.AccessClientSecret,
    SessionUser: sessionUser, 
  return await fetch("", data);

const transform = async (body) => {
  if (!body.calls || !body.calls[0]) {
    const errmsg = "no calls object found";
    throw new Error(errmsg);
  if (!body.userDefinedContext) {
    const errmsg = "No UserDefined Context object , Credentials Missing";
    throw new Error(errmsg);
  const request_body = {}
  request_body.rows = []
  body.calls.forEach((r) => {
  const res = await scope3_api_fetch(request_body,body.userDefinedContext,body.sessionUser);

  const json = await res.json()
  const final = {
    "replies": json.rows

  return final

functions.http('bq_scope3_measure', async (req, res) => {

  try { 
    const api_response = await transform(req.body)
  } catch (e) {

Big Query Remote Function

Navigate to a SQL workspace in the Big Query Google Cloud console open a SQL tab and insert the follow replacing

The fields YourProjectFunctions, ExternalConnection, YourClientID, YourAccessSecret, YourEndPoint.

YourProjectFunctions is the project name and dataset where you store your remote functions in Big Query. An example Acme.functions

ExternalConnection is the connection name of the remote connection you created in Big Query. It may for example take the form

YourClientID is the Scope3 API client ID provisioned for your account with Scope3.

YourAccessSecret is the Scope3 API access secreted provisioned for your account with scope3.

YourEndPoint is the cloud function published endpoint. It may take the form of

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION `YourProjectFunctions`.BQAPIBridgeCalculateDaily(
  endpoint = "YourEndPoint",
  user_defined_context = [
    ("AccessClientSecret", "YourAccessSecret")]

Usage of the function

We have added the ability to calculate emissions directly from Big Query SQL . This document serves as a guide to using the function.

The main function that allows calculating emissions is


The function takes as its only argument, a JSON structure parameter, that is directly passed as a row in the rows array of the /calculate_daily API function. The function returns the JSON object returned from the API.

The schema of the JSON object passed to the SQL function must be identical to the schema defined in the 'row' field of calculate/daily API.

A ‘hello emissions’ example

SELECT  `YourProjectFunctions`.BQAPIBridgeCalculateDaily(
    '2023-04-23' as date,
    '' as inventoryId,
    1000 as impressions,
    'NY' as region,
    'US' as country

or in a JSON view

  "f0_": "{\"adSelectionEmissions\":122.37120132272172,\"baseEmissions\":42.60415998211429,\"consumerDeviceEmissions\":128.6876481436838,\"domainCoverage\":\"modeled\",\"gmpEligible\":true,\"matchedChannel\":\"display-web\",\"matchedProperty\":\"\",\"mediaDistributionEmissions\":42.60415998211429,\"supplyDirectness\":6,\"supplyPathEmissions\":122.37120132272172,\"totalEmissions\":164.975361304836}"

A more complex example demonstrating type conversion of the returned JSON struct.

select request_domain, sum(impressions) as total_impressions, 
  sum(cast (JSON_VALUE(J['mediaDistributionEmissions']) as FLOAT64)) as mediaDistributionEmissions , 
  sum(cast (JSON_VALUE(J['adSelectionEmissions']) as FLOAT64)) as adSelectionEmissions,
  sum(cast (JSON_VALUE(J['consumerDeviceEmissions']) as FLOAT64)) as consumerDeviceEmissions
   from (
SELECT request_domain, impressions, `YourProjectFunctions`.BQAPIBridgeCalculateDaily(
    X.ymd as date,
    X.domain as inventoryId,
    X.impressions as impressions,
    X.state as region, as country
  ))) as J FROM `YourProject.YourTable` as X WHERE LIMIT 1000) as Y WHERE
  JSON_VALUE(J['domainCoverage']) != 'missing' group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 10

The JSON view of the results

  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "5465",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "268.58009034010973",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "402.39636365102729",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "696.56211343994119"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "4750",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "233.85431805484646",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "225.40558594639117",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "605.42910134304122"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "2272",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "111.60855657567809",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "1159.2657538000708",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "289.58629857923995"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "1637",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "80.314327197357088",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "910.01004621853974",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "208.64998713653864"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "1054",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "51.763256095067",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "1000.2566047386345",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "134.34153111906642"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "785",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "38.612318658419596",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "39.9889004833201",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "100.05512516932366"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "696",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "34.23890124325515",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "220.20756019338262",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "88.711295691527724"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "603",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "29.636227883246864",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "183.8381701755043",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "76.857631181021873"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "598",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "29.384942729233543",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "125.65922293682448",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "76.220337390134461"
}, {
  "request_domain": "",
  "total_impressions": "572",
  "mediaDistributionEmissions": "28.352404185614727",
  "adSelectionEmissions": "149.81229114243214",
  "consumerDeviceEmissions": "72.906409677519918"

Note the need to convert types from the return values.

The condition below extracts the ‘domainCoverage’ field converts it to a string and allows for comparison with the string ‘missing’.

JSON_VALUE(J['domainCoverage']) != 'missing' 

The condition below converts the emission value to a numeric value such that it can summed.

cast (JSON_VALUE(J['mediaDistributionEmissions']) as FLOAT64)