API 1.2

This release models emissions by seller and buying method for more visibility into supply path; provides a flexible inventory field to accept either domain or app ID; splits out consumer device emissions; and sets up streaming video for wide release in the coming months.

New output fields will automatically populate the next time the API is called and you will get more debug information back from the API. Users will notice media and creative distribution emissions decline for 2023 measurement now that device emissions are broken out.

Campaign API input changes:

New fields:

sellerstringNoThe immediately upstream seller of the impression. For instance, if DSP buys from SSP A who buys from SSP B who buys from the publisher, the seller would be SSP A. The value for the seller field should be the common name or domain of the seller, and we will maintain and update a table of aliases to make this convenient. The matched seller will be returned in verbose output to confirm matches.
buyingMethodprogrammatic-open, programmatic-pmp, programmatic-guaranteed,directNoThe buying method used to purchase the impression.
inventoryIdstringNoThe inventory ID field is an alternative to site.domain and app.storeId. This field can accept either a domain or app ID. When channel is not specified, we will use inventoryId to make an informed guess.

Modified fields:

  • The channel field now accepts streaming-video (closed beta)
  • The channel field is now optional (see inventoryId above)

Campaign API output changes:

Added fields in row-level output

  • Add matchedChannelwhen channel is mixed to clarify what channel was selected
  • Add matchedProperty to clarify what property was selected due to aliases
  • Add matchedSeller to clarify which seller was matched if the seller field is provided
  • Add inventoryClassification to determine whether inventory was treated as a masked or ad serving domain
  • Add compensationProvider and compensatedEmissions when the seller provides compensation for a row
  • Add consumerDeviceEmissions to break out the usage and embodied emissions assessed to the consumer use phase (this is currently in media distribution and creative distribution)
  • Add creativeConsumerDeviceEmissions to break out the usage and embodied emissions assessed to the consumer use phase in regards to serving and rendering the creative
  • Add supplyDirectness to calculate the maximum depth of the seller for this row [Programmatic Insights customers only]
  • Add gmpEligible to specify whether this row would qualify for the proposed GMP standards [GMP sellers only]

Added fields in summary output

  • Add totalCompensatedEmissions, the total compensated emissions
  • Add totalAdSelectionEmissions, totalMediaDistributionEmissions, totalConsumerDeviceEmissions, totalCreativeDistributionEmissions, totalCreativeConsumerDeviceEmissions to sum the row-level fields
  • Add averageSupplyDirectness, the average supply depth of the buy [Programmatic Insights customers only]
  • Add gmpEligiblePercentage, the percentage of impressions that were GMP eligible [GMP sellers only]
  • Add matchedSellersPercentage, the percentage of impressions with seller provided that were matched

Changed fields:

  • mediaDistributionEmissions no longer includes consumer device emissions
  • creativeDistributionEmissions no longer includes consumer device emissions

Creative API

  • To model outstream video creatives, you can pass duration and payload. This will use the conventional model to calculate emissions (not the power model that we use for instream).
  • creativeDistributionEmissionsno longer includes consumer device emissions


Which of these changes should be prioritized?

  • We suggest starting with specifying seller and buying method, which will start to give better resolution on the supply path you bought through.