February 2023 Dataset

The February 2023 dataset increases coverage for websites that do not sell programmatically or have multiple domain names, includes mobile apps for all customers, and improves accuracy for Google Open Bidding.

Support for properties

Properties are a logical grouping of inventory across identifiers. The classic example is connecting mobile apps across app stores and bundle IDs, but are also useful for web properties that have multiple domains. As an example, a request for mailonline.com currently says "missing"; will now properly return results for dailymail.co.uk.

We have also added the ability to measure inventory that is not sold programmatically (for instance, Walmart, Reddit, WeTransfer). These sites currently return "missing" and will now return 0 for ad selection. In a future release we will start modeling non-programmatic ad serving emissions and will update this value appropriately.

The impact for both of these enhancements will be that our overall coverage will increase.

Mobile apps are now GA

Mobile app measurement has been in beta for the past two months. With the release of properties, we are ready to officially put mobile app into General Availability. All clients will have access to measurement of mobile apps as of Feb 1. Note that the Snowflake integration does not support mobile apps yet - it's coming in the 1.2 release.

Change to Google Open Bidding propagation

Currently, when we see Google in the supply graph, we consider AdX and all Open Bidding resellers as eligible for traffic distribution. This is a reasonable worst case estimate, but based on our analysis, only happens in certain cases. We now have more accurate data on who is reselling through OB, which reduces the overall propagation of Google nodes in the supply graph.